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Hi, I’m Martin Clark.
I am a Minister for is a Spiritual Religious Order.
I obtained my Ministry from the Universal Life Church Monastery.
My goal is to build a religion based on the works of Neville Goddard.
Now is an important time to find your faith.
By doing so you can protect yourself against forces pitted against you.
We are in exciting times.

Community Guidelines is a Religious Order

Based on the teachings of Neville Goddard

As a member if you believe in these teachings you can ask for religious exemptions. - Using the mind to find out who and what we are.

Now - Now is timeless, it is every moment that we experience.

Being -To be awareness.

- Only one God (I Am)


It seems simple to be in the now - but we normally are in past or future.

Also even in the now we tend to be doing rather than being.

Discover that we are one, separated by illusion

One imagines it all, then imagines it is you. Community | Powered by Locals